Apologetic and Polemic Books
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Apologetic and Polemic Books
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This site’s primary directive is the purposeful and effective articulation of the evidence for Christianity while simultaneously exposing and refuting philosophical, scientific and theological errors that have infiltrated and perverted the church and our culture.
The pieces of evidence are articulated utilizing systematic argumentation in the form of apologetics, polemics, and evangelism books, articles, videos and speaking engagements.
The publications are based on meticulous research so you can have confidence in the evidence presented.
World-class principles of discovery and knowledge construction were utilized including.
Break Free Apologetics believes the enormous amount of evidence for Christianity has been hidden from the masses, so the vast majority of people have rejected the faith based on ignorance.
It is also a known fact that many people raised in the church have left the faith for the same reason. If you were raised in the church and have left the faith, I apologize for our collective incompetence in not recognizing the absolute necessity to give you legitimate reasons to believe.
These two reasons are why I published "The Blind Faith Hypothesis, and Intellectual Challenge to Evolutionary Biology and Cosmology. These books not only reveal hidden truths but also expose numerous deceptions that are sold as truth to the masses. Go to Books in the navigation menu for more details.
I hope you will take the time to examine the facts and the evidence because the pursuit of the truth is mankind's highest achievement.
The truth is united by its pursuit.
Now a message for the Christians, Break Free Apologetics is also dedicated to doctrinal apologetics, defending the truth of the historical faith in articles using exegetical apologetics, and the supportive evidence of the writings of our early church fathers.
These articles defend against ancient and modern heresies. They can be found in the navigation menu under the title In Defence Articles. I have also written you a letter suggesting why you should read the articles, go to In Defence Articles and click Dear Evangelical.
You can only imagine the challenges the early church faced spreading the gospel throughout the world into pagan lands.
It was inevitable that the church would have to confront various ideologies, philosophies and religions as converts to Christianity would bring their core beliefs with them into the church.
The church faced challenges from within and from without. Our early church fathers rose up in defence of the truth, and many lost their lives for it.
This is our history our heritage, we are to defend the truth at any cost. Our church fathers read the scripture and understood their mission and the associated cost. I have adopted their mission because it is our mission. The following scriptures articulate our mission to the world and the mission of this ministry.
Our apologetic mission is based on John 20:31 – But these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and by believing you may have life in his name.
Our polemic mission is based on 2 Cor 10:5- “We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God and take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.
Our evangelism mission is based on Matt 28:19- “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son and the Holy Spirit.
We the church must be dedicated to the gospel of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and the advancement of HIS kingdom through apologetics, polemics, and evangelism.
This is our history and our heritage.
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